5.5W Blue light laser module for laser engraving and cutting. Can be used as an add-on for a CNC router or 3D Printer. Can only cut softer material but cutting at full power for long periods will reduce the life of the laser. The laser module has an aluminium housing with force fan cooling. Adjustable lense.
Engravable materials: wood, bamboo, cardboard, veneer, acrylic, plastic, leather & PCB board. Metal surfaces can be engraved after applying metal engraving spray, tape or powder. Please do not engrave metal without the above as the laser will reflect back and damage the laser module.
Cuttable materials: Plywood, cardboard, veneer, perspex (dark colours only) & some plastics. some thin wood and MDF can be cut in multiple passes. Yellow MDF is recommended.
Clear or light coloured perspex are not suitable for cutting.
The efficiency of the last is increased if compressed air is blown on the cutting surface during operation.
Wavelength: 450-460nm
Output optical power 5.5W
Focal length: 20mm (engraving) & 40mm (cutting)
Operating Temperature: 0 - 60 Degree Celsius
Input voltage: 12V
Input current: 2A
PWM Adjustment Voltage: 5V
This laser can be extremely dangerous if the following instructions are not followed:
ALWAYS wear the supplied eye protection
Do not use in a room with other people or animals.
Do not leave unsupervised.
Do not put your hand near the laser while it is on.